
Toggle Menu


This tile should be used to show single line strings. It can be used for showing that status of a task, or to simply label other UI elements on the screen.



This is a unique String ID assigned to this tile and is used (by you) to identify what tile sent what data by your script.
Note that this is case sensitive, and cannot contain any white space.


This modifies the size of the label as it appears on your screen. Its units of measurement is tiles. Since each tile that can have its size modified is aware of its surroundings, the numeric steppers used to adjust the tile size will stop you from overlapping with other tiles or going over the edge of the screen.

Value / Title

This will set the value of the label. Data sent to this tile will not override this setting.
This is an optional field.


Here you can set the appearance of the text on the tile. You can set the font, the font size, and the text alignment.

Text Alignment

  • Centre

  • Justified

  • Left

  • Natural

  • Right

Note that the font you choose may affect the performance of the app as it may take longer to render.
Also note that the font size of the tile will automatically be adjusted to fit within the label.


This tile accepts input in the form of a String. You can also send numbers and the tile will automatically convert it to be a string.

Usage Demo

This is a simple demo where the script will make a label called countDownLabel's value count down from 10.

                            for i in range(0,10):
                                self.force.sendMessage("Jordan's iPhone", "countDownLabel", str(10 - i))